Thursday, October 13, 2011


[ 78] Nymaya: Temptation
Thu Feb 10 16:54:41 2011
To: New_Thalos Dar'shin Reklah Telthian ( Necrucifer Imm RP Cayenna ) All

The palace was filled with it.

It seemed to be everywhere. Around her. In her. Flowing from her. She couldn't tell exactly, but as she wandered, she could hear nothing but it. And yet...yet she could not channel it, she could not grasp it and she couldn't escape it.

She gazed at the world around her through a fog, her thoughts a whirl, like dragonflies flitting about in a chaotic mass. She fought for her awareness for awhile but the melody was hypnotic, it was what her soul longed for each and every day she lingered - a mere remnant of the past, lost and forgotten to the warp and weft of time. That weight was increased by the insidious pull of the Vallenwood, ever at the center of who and what she had been and was no more.

In the grasping of that thought, she saw the forest through a window as she passed by. It was shadowed in the distance while all around her was almost insubstantial. It stopped her as nothing else could have, made her look at it, contemplate just how far away it was and then stare as tendrils of shadow rose above it. Sinuously did the columns rise, to join a dark cloud that grew and grew overhead. Threatening, foretelling doom it seemed to her. And then she saw the lick of flame, even so far away, eating eagerly at that closed-off realm.

Something changed then, in the sound, in the feel of the melody. Pain followed, coursing through her like a disease and abruptly, the fire she had seen in the distance was in her. Burning a tainted path through her soul.

She dropped to her knees and closed her eyes, trying for and failing to rein in the painful discord of what she was hearing, feeling.

This power, Nymaya. You make this too easy.

She hated the glee she sensed in its demonic voice. She hated more that this was a part of her she could never put to rest. Once you'd heard the Song, you could not unhear it. It was a weakness that would, eventually, take her mind if she could not learn to master what it had become in her.

But the demon had offered something to her. Something she wasn't sure she could pass up.

And abruptly, her eyes opened upon a vision of herself. The sword in her grasp gleamed and through it, she again felt the fiery rush of the Song. The haunt arose from it, from her, and she was once again whole.

She awoke almost instantly, as if a bell had pealed somewhere, and found herself gazing at a stack of books. Her hands were upon her middle, a cold sweat had beaded upon her brow and the whisper of the demon permeated the air about her.


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