Thursday, October 13, 2011


[ 83] Nymaya: Preparing
Mon Feb 28 13:41:55 2011
To: New_Thalos Dar'shin Reklah Telthian ( Necrucifer Imm RP Cayenna ) All
The Kayen cathedral was a work of artistic masonry to be awed.

She'd helped in its design though that thought was far from her mind as she stood before its altar. She could feel the weight of the statue gazing at her from its nearby alcove, just as she felt the weight of the two lives growing within.

Even now, at a time when her world felt as if it were balanced on the edge of a precipice, they were kicking. They had not the cares that sat on her mind like stones, that had bowed her shoulders at times or threatened to drop her into the chasm that waited eagerly for that one misstep she had so far avoided.

She set one hand to the swell of her middle while the other braced her against the altar and in the dim light of the moons that angled in through the stained glass above, she bowed her head and prayed.

Not for life or strength, not for guidance or wisdom. She did not beg for the lives that were not hers, she did not scrape or offer herself in place of what she had fought for with every ounce of her soul.

Instead, she set herself before the altar and gave more.

She prayed to a God she worshiped with desperate tenacity. Who had given her far more than even He might have realized.

She already had strength. That she was still alive after all her trials spoke to that. She already had wisdom. She knew what her options were and she was wise enough to know that nothing was ever as it tended to appeared. Devion Himself had taught her that.

She felt her lips quirk faintly as her knees bowed to the weight of the darkness and the hand that had been cradling her middle shifted instead to wrap around the stone at her throat.

'Uvall, I have all that you've asked for.'

Her whisper, even in this place, threaded like an echo and to the pulse of hellish heat trapped within a stone, inexplicably bound to her, she felt the demon respond but only insofar as the flaring of heat through her body. Of course it would not come, especially to the unspoken thread of command she had used. She imagined it would make her pay for that err the end but she had little use for that sort of future worry.

Instead, she let the stone go and set her hand once again upon her middle. She had become aware in the days since her children had become active, that something strange had been occurring and it was directly connected to the stone. It was in the kicking, or the lack of it when the stone flared soothing pulses of heat through her. They always calmed, as they had now, and if she'd been worried before, she now had to concern herself with the understanding that Uvall was connected to the children as he was to her.

Short of removing her head, she wasn't sure what she could do about this new development. Though if she were being fair to herself, she would admit that it was a strange blessing. The more attention she received from it, the easier the pregnancy became.

Sighing into the shadows, she sat back on her heels and lifted her gaze to spend the rest of the evening watching as the moons slowly drifted from sight and true darkness settled over all.

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