Thursday, October 13, 2011

No Stars

[ 85] Nymaya: No Stars
Sat Mar 12 00:20:41 2011
To: New_Thalos Dar'shin Reklah Telthian ( Necrucifer Cayenna Imm RP ) all
The stars were difficult to view, so close to the city of Verminasia, but the moons were present. The white, full but setting. The red half waning but high in a midnight sky and the black...but a crescent and low upon the horizon. Looking upon it, she was given the impression it was a lidded eye gazing down on a world that scurried about like busy mice.

Her gaze turned from it all, the red and the black reminding her vividly of demonic eyes that had looked into her soul. The sight she turned to was far more welcome though it bore its own unique cares and unrest.

Her husband lay sprawled upon their bed, deep in rest he sorely needed. His new vitality was inspiring, strengthening and against every worry she had had about him, calming. But it took its toll.

Her gaze settled on his hair. Sable, streaked with the faintest touches of gray. That was a heaviness on her heart to see but it was an aspect she had long since come to terms with. She'd known the first time he set his lips to hers that if she went down this road with him, she would lose him to the merciless grasp of time and age eventually.

Her gaze lingered, roaming slowly over the placid lines of his face, the steady rise and fall of his chest beneath the blankets. She was hyper aware of his life now, moreso perhaps because both of their souls were on the line. And...because he had died.

The flutter of life within her arose abruptly as a series of demanding kicks against her ribs, stirring her to smooth her hands over the swell of her belly in calming motions. But it was the flare of heat from the stone at her throat that eventually settled the unborn, leaving her at once disquieted and soothed.

She had hoped for a little more time before she put her mind to the demon's wants but even as she thought it, she knew it had been naive of her.

Instead, she lifted a lock of her silver hair and simply gazed down upon it. The color was not nearly as lustrous as it used to be, its shade dulled a little and understandably so perhaps. Not one age of her four centuries had been remotely easy on her, and she was hardly done yet.

The demon would have this of her then. She was not beyond sacrificing a little more.

The time was very near.

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