Friday, August 18, 2017

Seven Sins - Tempting Wrath

[131] Nymaya: Seven Sins - Tempting Wrath
Mon Apr 24 18:32:07 2017
To: All Verminasia Ashtiel Crelius Telthian ( Equinox Imm RP )
Her daughter twitched and moaned, thrashed and struggled in the throes of sleep and she could only watch, only lament. 

She herself was familiar with the nightmares though she had come to an understanding with them.  Time and reclusion had offered her the ability to sort through the memories, to embrace those that had shaped her and banish the ones that served only to weaken or sully what she was becoming. 

None of that mattered now though.  There was not the luxury of time as she slowly paced the parlor, tracing a familiar route.  Ash would have to suffer this affliction until it ended - and nothing set the cold flame of her rage alight quite like observing her child in pain while contemplating the unknown. 

She was not alone in her concern, but that was of little consequence at the moment.  The darkness was thick outside beneath a heavy stretch of storm clouds, rain pattered the window in hard torrents and stray breezes kept catching the flames that danced alluringly in the fireplace. 

Servants whispered past the parlor door and at appropriate intervals, the armored clank of guards.  She looked away from Ashtiel and took another sip of the rich liquor that shimmered amber in her glass, vividly aware that it was all for show.  The guards could not withstand demons, the unarmed servants would run and unless there was advanced warning, an attack would likely catch them alone.  At worst...Sin, at best, subordinates.  If there was an attack at all. 

A crack of lightning disrupted her unpleasant thoughts and brought her attention back to her daughter, who even then jerked awake with a panicked expression.  Her own turmoil arose in response but she kept it subdued as she did her best to calm her. 

The panic passed, they spoke some and then Ash lapsed into silence, her attention drawn to the shadows beyond the window.  What she saw there, Nymaya could only guess at, but a sinister and oppressive feeling settled firmly.  Not of being watched, but of waiting.  The days to come were going to be long and restless.

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