Saturday, August 19, 2017

Iagothal: An Old Menace (1/3)

[146] Nymaya: Iagothal: An Old Menace (1/3)
Fri Jun  9 00:57:57 2017
To: All Verminasia ( RP Imm )
The letter she had received had come from a courier of no small import, direct from her Keep in Iagothal.  He'd been a distant relation to the Kayen family as evidenced by his very features, which had expressed the urgency of the matter almost better than the hastily written words in the missive.

             We have cause to believe another has been sighted. 

That was all she had been required to read, she knew what they were alluding to but the rest of the parchment had gone on to detail the strange sightings along the border along with the response of nearby towns and farms. 

Had it not attacked?  The first experience the Kayen forces had had with a similar creature two years previous had lead to an entire patrol's gruesome death.  Why would it linger on the border.  The questions mounted as she packed sparse belongings and set out on horseback with a small contingent of Atennim and Kayen guard.  Though she'd have preferred to travel alone, the threat hanging over her head was too great a risk.  This though, this was something she had dealt with before at least - even if they still did not know what it was or its origin. 

Iagothal province was a few days ride and though the letter had been urgent with its concern, she had determined to make the slower trek.  She was confident in her ability to track it regardless of where it went and the first beast had prompted warnings that were even then being heeded. 

Indulging the illusion of time, she set her sights on the horizon and allowed a modicum of reserved introspection.  She had archives to concern herself with on top of Iagothal's problems.  The immediate ache of her severed finger in that moment easily maintained her focus. 

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