Saturday, August 19, 2017

Iagothal: An Old Menace (3/3)

[158] Nymaya: Iagothal: An Old Menace (3/3)
Wed Jun 21 04:10:28 2017
To: Verminasia ( RP Imm Equinox Storyline | Chaos )
Sweat beaded and fell down her lean form as she slid slowly through her sword forms, forcing patience when she felt she had none.  Her mind was cluttered, still in a fog from her fevered state and it was only with a will that she managed to find her center and hold it. 

It was a calm place.  White, empty and through it whispered the Haunt.  It was not as she knew it, the sound, but it was there and like a cool breeze, it lifted through her. 

She heard it again, felt it again and distantly knew it was resonating in her blade.  Each movement was calm, precise now, without force.  It was with latent recognition but she knew it wouldn't last. She held it now though and let it draw her ever deeper. 

From one elven sword form to the next; each emulating a movement, a gesture, an attack, a defense of the bladesinger in a motion both elegant and slow, graceful and lithe. 

She had been at this...for centuries.

The blade clattered to the ground suddenly, the sound not at all right and like the shattering of a crystal, everything about the moment fell apart. 

She was looking out from within, but her control was gone.  There was only the Song and it rose to deafening, chaotic decibels.  It was only, again, with latent awareness that she realized she was in physical pain.  There was a fever in her body, a powerful throb and ache in her severed finger and even as her gaze turned on it she watched the flesh begin to blacken.  The corruption began to move then, almost immediately, veining up through her hand to her wrist. 

Her gasp echoed only pain, there was no surprise and whatever spell held her in thrall broke as she grabbed at her wrist, trying in vain to stop the spread.

...the blackened veining was in her forearm, working up to her elbow when she jerked awake in bed.

Two pained breaths later and she threw back the blankets, aware that she could still feel the remnants of fever in her body, that she had been dreaming. She'd have been gone from Iagothal long before had it not been for that. Frustrated and aching everywhere, especially in her severed limb, she dressed and began packing for the return trip.

With the beast confirmed gone and the archives having failed to offer any further information on Nagash, she had no reason to linger.

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