Sunday, August 16, 2009

Desert Trek - The Missing Weeks ( II )

[180] Nymaya: Desert Trek - The Missing Weeks II
Wed Aug 12 18:12:24 2009
To: New_Thalos All ( RP )
A great rift split the grove in two with an incomprehensible violence and
from it wafted the sickening scent of damnation. Sulfur burned the senses,
blood threaded through it and the heat of some invisible flame licked
agonizingly along her flesh.

"A part of me believes that I deserve such a fate.."

...No part of you ever deserved this...was their punishment not

The weight of her decisions returned along with the sorrow of the figure, so
heavy that it would have bowed her shoulders, but the shadow that rose up
from the fracture in the ground surrounded her. She couldn't breathe for
the stranglehold as it grasped her throat, her heart and then, her soul.


It was a gasp, little more than a breath that managed to contain partial

...No, not Fatale. You embraced Necrucifer...

There was a kind of horrible resignation to the voice that was now coupled
with an acute anguish. She felt herself drawn closer to the great chasm in
the ground and knew, without a doubt, that the inexorable strength in the
shadow was going to pull her in there.

...You cannot have been meant for this path, Nymaya...


The sigh that followed was palpable as it rushed through her, around her,
following her as she willingly fell.


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