Thursday, March 12, 2009

Arduous Progress ( Kwars )

[363] Nymaya: Arduous Progress ( Kwars )
Thu Mar 5 10:57:19 2009
To: New_Thalos ( Imm Cayenna Scorn Necrucifer RP )
The blessed day was murky.

The wind had lifted, driving enough tiny sand particles into the air to
cloak the day's stinging light, even if it did manage to get sand

Pain throbbed sharply in her temples but she ignored it with single-minded
determination as her blade met and rebounded off another, twice, in such
rapid succession that the metal sang. It was her own bloody fault she was
miserable today.

Another blade came at her from the left, aiming without fail at her side,
but she stepped forward, dodging it with a difficult twist of her body and
caught the incoming weapon with her secondary sword on the inside of the
blade. Before it could reverse and potentially slash a line up her side she
spun her blade around it with a smooth sound of metal scraping metal, and
with a quick jerk up toward herself, disarmed the sword.

The metal resounded as it flew, to lodge itself in the sand, and then she
had one opponent left. The half elven female, Araeya as she named herself,
was quick and agile, showing more human heritage though the way she moved was enough to suggest that she bore elven blood.

Nymaya fell into an easily remembered defensive stance and met the violent
rush of the frustrated half elf seconds later while grasping to her own
restrained frustration in the process. She knew that her anger, her stress,
tended to escape through this medium and even though her head was pounding, she was determined to maintain her control.

Wielding a slender serpentine dagger and a curved scimitar, the shorter
woman came in low. The sound of their blades meeting in a flurry of parries
and strikes reverberated even in the hushed space of the archery range.
Nymaya let her get close, very close, the dagger passing only inches from
vital places, before she began to force her back.

Memories of sparring with others came back to her through the pain that was
not lessening in the slightest and with a sudden burst of focused anger, she
gritted her teeth and finished the spar with a flourish that disarmed Araeya
in a series of successive, vicious strikes.

They stood motionless for a time, the tip of her sword a mere breath away
from the hollow of the half elven woman's throat, before Nymaya finally
pulled back the small elusive tendril of anger and smothered it.

"I'm sorry." She amended as she lowered her blade. "Well fought."

A round of applause ensued as Nymaya sheathed her swords and she watched with a smattering of relief as the half elf let go her own frustration and finally smiled at her comrades who were even then returning her disarmed blades. They were a good lot, these archers, even if she was harsh with them.

Biting back a sigh of chagrin at herself, she resolutely returned the salutes
her troops aimed at her and gave them a day's leave to rest, relax and visit
their families.

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