Saturday, November 17, 2007

Harsh Reality: Losing Faith (Part 2)

What peace she had found, was not to last.

What memories she had experienced were to be buried in the sands of time, beneath private grief and unshed tears. What trust she had in the bonds that held two together, was to be scattered to the wind. Apparently, only death had the power to bring souls together for eternity and she seemed to excell at dealing that out.

' many lost now, Nymaya..?'

She could not weep for another lost to her though, for surely he was. She had made that oath to herself upon the eve that she had learned of Laegard's death. Cold determination and a deep profound bitterness would hold her to that.

She could feel the weight shift upon her soul as she watched Delabriel sleep, her features peaceful, beautiful...bearing his likeness. It was as if she looked upon a piece of her husband's soul, and all it did was taint the purity of her joy at this creation of love, with sorrow.

This child would grow without a father..

She slammed the door on that and shut it out, shut it all out, but it forced her from the side of her daughter and out into the cold night.

Breath misting in the air, she lifted her head back and looked to the starry night sky as if some answer could be found there. She was not surprised, of course, when nothing was forthcoming. The Goddess Taliena had given her an answer long ago. Why now did it hold no comfort to remember?

No, comfort was not to be had, only the deep welling of loss.

She had to smirk then and her dark eyed gaze turned upon the statue of Taliena, encircled within the loving arms of Austinian, the water of the fountain bubbling softly around them in the still night air.

"Where is your guidance now." She whispered hoarsely, the smirk fading from her lips, leaving only a barren look of bitterness in her gaze and then she left, leaving her daughter within the care of a sleeping Krysadis.

She had other matters she needed to consider and that was not getting done here.

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